
Steps to Fix the Msvc60 Dll Error – Microsoft Games Causing Msvc60 Errors? Fix Them Here




msvc60.dll is a file used by Microsoft games to help them render various Microsoft Games. This file is used extensively by the likes of Crimson Strikes, Age Of Mythology & Impossible Creatures. Unfortunately, there are several simple problems which cause this file to become damaged and show an error. The typical error this file shows is as follows:



ERROR starting program the MSVCP60.DLL file is linked to missing export MSVCRT.dll:_lc_collate_cp

What Causes msvc60.dll Errors?

msvc60.dll errors are typically caused by several simple issues. The first is that you’re trying to play a newly installed game without restarting your PC beforehand. The other causes of this error include the likes of the file becoming damaged, viruses infecting the file and registry errors.

How To Fix The msvc60.dll Errors

1) You should first restart your PC if you have not already.

2) If you have restarted your system after an install, and are still getting the error, you should then look to “restore” a fresh copy of msvc60.dll to the C:\Windows\System folder of your PC. This can either be done from your Windows installation CD or from the game CD

3) You should also scan your computer with an antivirus program to remove any of the viruses that are inside your system. It’s often the case that viruses will infect various.dll files and will then cause a lot of problems as Windows will be unable to read them. Using a reliable antivirus program should be able to fix this problem as it will remove all the potential issues on your PC.

4) Cleaning the registry is also highly recommended. The registry is a central database which stores settings and information for your computer – storing all sorts of settings and files that Windows requires to run. Unfortunately, the registry is also a big cause of problems for your system as it keeps a large list of.dll files for your PC. This list is used by all your programs to help them use the DLL files they require – but it’s often becoming damaged and corrupted. When this DLL file / path references list becomes damaged, your PC is unable to read the files it needs to run, causing your computer to show errors like the one you’re seeing. You should use a registry cleaner to fix this issue.


Source by Katie Martins